Saturday 1 May 2010

It's May Day !

One of the few days in the calendar - well, the only one thank God - that you see the most perverse and embarrassing display of open homosexuality and national shame ever known to man ...

I'm not talking about this:

ie large phallic symbols and stupid hats in Red Square ...

... but this ...

I give everyone permission to shoot any of these deviants on sight !!


  1. Well gwapple me gwape nuts!! That's you isn't it Ghostrider??? Right hand side hopping and skipping away to your little hearts content...awwww bless :o) I know it's you, I'd recognise that dance move anywhere! Aaaand, I saw you buying that false beard and fresh cotton hankies in the market only this week! And here was you saying you were buying them for a BreakfastBloke...a bit like when I saw you coming out of that sex shop the other week stuffing something in to your man bag very similar in shape to the pic above this one of you dancing. You said that was for Breakfastbloke too. I did think at the time eeee what a love...what would Breakfastbloke do without Ghostrider doing all of his shopping.

  2. I, that is me, am deeply shocked and saddened by Ghostrider's obviously lame excuse when doing his 'special' shopping. I had always thought of him as honest trustworthy and fully hetrosexual.....

    I doubt the excuse that you were shopping "for our ikkle failed navy man" would stand up to scrutiny for very long. Nor would buying a new truncheon for the RMP bloke.......

    Sue, well spotted and thank you.

    Ghostrider - HOW DARE YOU! Hang your head in shame old man. You have brought massive disrespect on all of us here at Talking Total Bollocks Plaza, how can I reveal my true identity now being associated with someone who has commited such a heinous crime?? Oh my god. The punishment should fit the crime - you are to be punished by a life sentence dressed as a schoolboy and incarcerated at the Irish School for Priests - the exact crime being against manhood, in that he was seen by a human being carrying a man bag!


    Take him down (thats what the Priesty's will be saying......

  3. LMAO ... It wasn't and is not me !!

    I was away licking puppies on the occasion this photo was taken !!! And enough about people dressing up as schoolboys for Catholic Priests - your deviant fantasies go to far Breakfast Bloke!

    That said - BB does have a definite liking for false beards and cotton hankies - why I'm not sure exactly - but I think it's something to do with dressing up as someone else and enjoying the moment ! Hence why I was at the market !

    And Sue - when I exited the shop I was adjusting myself. When you have something the size of the 'phallic symbol' in the background of the first picture on this thread it can get bloody uncomfortable ;)

  4. hmmmm funny you should mention dressing him as a school boy BreakfastBloke as the self same day I saw him leaving the sex shop, some time later he was leaving the school uniform shop! This did strike me as some what odd being mid term and all!
    Maybe dressed as a WREN and sent to the hills may be more of an appropriate punishment?????

    And Ghostrider are you sure it was puppies you were licking and not the bus window? Lets face it, you do seem to live in a world of make believe. Especially appertaining to your last statement, as I have been informed otherwise. I am under oath not to divulge who as they threatened me to be punished by a life sentence dressed as a schoolgirl and incarcerated at the Irish School for Nuns!!

  5. Oh please don't fall for his deviant perverted fantasies Sue - and that so was not me leaving the shop with a school uniform - I went in there to ask directions to the nearest Samaritans Office !

    And dressing as a WREN ?!?!?! Ugh ... mind you - I did always - and still do - want to be a lesbian !! lol

    Now are we to understand you are wishing to dress as a schoolgirl and play with nuns ?!

    I'm sure I could think of loads to write on that subject!!

  6. ps re the bus window or the puppy ... well if I'm being honest, it was the puppy I was licking initially but I kinda missed ... and needed the bus window to take the taste away !!

  7. Samaritans Ghostrider....we appear to have come full circle from a previous conversation and blog my dear. I really do feel it's about time you booked some sessions with me and joined BB on the couch!!

  8. Join BB on the couch ?!?! Not a hope in hell !!! He might try and dress me up as a furry animal !!

    Enough of your deviant fantasies woman !!!

  9. I didn't know it was a group therapy session and he loves me dressing up as a hamster, on a friday night, after a game of bingo, with the ostrich....

    You see your treatment works - I am beginning the loose the fascination with small furry animals - i prefer large feathered ones now.

  10. LMAO @ u2!!!

    Off for a smoke brb ;o)

  11. hmmmm I'm now seeing a way forward for you both! So both of you listen up and see how this play therapy sits with you both!

    Point 1 -In my deepest darkest memory I recall Ghostrider having desires to be a lesbian.

    Point 2 - Breakfastbloke's desires have now evolved to a larger species....especially with Ostrich feathers.

    May I suggest that G dresses up as a Las Vegas show girl including Ostrich feather headress and adornment on your butt. This will kinda fit in with satiating BB's desires and then we are nearly there!!! What do you think???

  12. You recommend me for treatment because I am fascinated with small furry animals, and larger feathered type things - that does NOT include ghostrider dressed as a showgirl (but I think a Morris Man costume would suit his personality)and I admit my problems. I do insist puppy licking is perfectly normal. However, by your own admittance, and to your shame, you are one of those nasty horrible smoker, type yuk yuk yukedy yuk yuk. AND YOU SAY I NEED TREATMENT.....

  13. Well I do feel your being somewhat selfish there BB, as G may find this form of treatment therapeutic! Another facet of your personality I see, self gratification and bollocks to any one else! hmmmm I feel there is a lot of self exploration to be undertaken here!! Is self exploration something you have indulged in much BB?? Any way, lets see how G feels on this matter.

    And your obvious strong aversion to smokers; hmmm firstly HOW VERY DARE YOU DOG BREATH!!!
    and secondly have you had a bad experience based on your strong verbal and unwarrented attack!!

    Possibly pinned down by some marines on a number of occassions while they all took turns in blowing smoke in to your face...or was it something else they did???? I'm just trying to marry up the two....due to your vehement attacks towards Marines and smokers

  14. Ex smokers are the worse - when I gave up smoking I had to revert to puppy lickling to ease the urges. I am now down to 3 puppy licks per day and am getting better.

    There is nothing wrong with self exploration - though the judge did say I must try to do it in private.

    I, as an individual, do not like failure. From previous posts, you will see that I have explained the very existence of Marines - Navy rejects.

  15. LMAO at Hocus's comment re the RAF Passing Out Parade ... git! A Marine with a sense of humour! Wonders will never cease !

    Sue - I'm not even going to give you the gratification of commenting on this gay shit you're conjuring up in your own warped head!

    Re smokers - yep, filthy disgusting habit! That reminds me - I'm off for one now :)BB will be going to find a puppy to lick later no doubt!

    How's the bus window licking coming along Sue?

  16. With reference to the bus window licking....I've learnt from the master, you've taught me all I know G.

    I just need to know how you mangage to do it the full length of the bus without your tongue drying up and sticking please. That truly amazes me when you do that!

  17. I'll let you into a secret re licking bus windows ...

    ... always try and aim for a wet day as the windows have more condensation on them, thus making for a more moist experience. Dry days are hard work and require a more steadfast and determined approach. These conditions are only recommended for the seasoned window licker, and not the amateur wannabes.

    Also, when it is a wet day, you can also have the added bonus of leaving rather impressive artwork on the windows for everyone else to enjoy!

    Hours of endless fun! ;)

  18. A long tongue - standard RAF issue - and ADHD. He won't sit down when is carer tells him to - at least I only lick puppies - Ghostrider will lick anything

  19. lmao...that's the gen on the HOT team!!

    He seemed to be quite losing himself there BB. Think we'll leave him yet again with his flights of fancy...or should that say fantasy?

  20. Don't knock it till you've tried it !!

    As I said before ... hours of endless fun !

    Must go ... the carer is due soon.
    Now where's that bus timetable gone ... ?

  21. I do believe your lowering the tone (not tongue!!) We shall let this pass on this one and only occassion, due to the fact that not only have you been up all night; but the nurse hasn't yet arrived with your pills. (What did AM say about blues ones lmao) BED!!!! Before BB or MB gives you a severe tongue lashing!!!

  22. Ugh !!
    Please don't make me goto sleep with that image in my head !!!


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